The History of Photography

Susse Frères Daguerreotype Unique Picture Camera 1839

Kodak Box Photographic Film Camera 1888

Agfa Box Photographic Film Camera 1910

Leica Ur Photographic Film Camera 1914

Eastman Kodak Folding Film Camera 1932

Agfa Isolette Folding Film Camera 1937

Agfa Clack Photographic Film Camera 1956

Kodak Instamatic
233X Cartridge Film Camera 1968

Canon Canonet 28 Photographic Film Camera 1972

Agfa Optima Electronic Sensor Film Camera 1977

Polaroid Instant 10 Self-Developing Film Camera 1978

Nikon F3 Exact View Film Camera 1980

Minox EC Miniature Cartridge Film Camera 1981

Pentax AF 70S Zoom Film Camera 1989

Canon G2 4.0 Digital Camera 2000

Canon IXUS 65 Digital Camera 2003

Nokia 6300 Cell Phone 2.0 Digital Camera 2006

Apple iPhone 2.0 Digital Camera 2007

Apple iPhone 6.0 Digital Camera 2014

Apple iPhone 11.0 Digital Camera 2019

Apple iPhone 14.0 Digital Camera 2022

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Garden of Joseph Nicéphore Nièpce in Le Gras 1827

Boulevard du Temple by Louis Daguerre in Paris 1838

Grocery store by Hippolyte Bayard in Paris 1843

The Cathedral by David Hill and Robert Adamson in Durham 1844

Moulin de la Galette in Paris 1848

Herengracht 395 in Amsterdam 1850

Halvemaansbrug by Benjamin Brecknell Turner in Amsterdam 1857

Colville Indians with Father De Smet in Vancouver 1859

Seamen on Ice by Dunmore & Critcherson at Greenland 1864

Chini Mountains by Samuel Bourne at Himalayas 1866

Family resting around hay piles in Soest 1870

Street by John Thomson in Kanton 1873

1st photo by Fred. Heinsius of brother Auke Heinsius in Eerbeek 1975
(Camera: Agfa Synchro Box)


Photography is the science, art and practice of creating durable images by recording light, either electronically by means of an image sensor, or chemically by means of light-sensitive material such as photographic film. Typically, a lens is used to focus the light reflected or emitted from objects into a real image on the light-sensitive surface inside a camera during a timed exposure. With an electronic image sensor, this produces an electrical charge at each pixel, which is electronically processed and stored in a digital image file for subsequent display or processing. The result with photographic emulsion is an invisible latent image, which is later chemically developed into a visible image, either negative or positive depending on the purpose of the photographic material and the method of processing. A negative image on film is traditionally used to photographically create a positive image on a paper base, known as a print, either by using an enlarger or by contact printing. Photography is employed in many fields of science, manufacturing and business, as well as its more direct uses for art, film and video production, recreational purposes, hobby, and mass communication.